Monday, October 3, 2016

Walmart - A New Perspective

Good morning!

So today I'd like to share my thoughts on Walmart.  I used to absolutely hate going to Walmart!  I went with a grudge, if at all.  One day, as I was having bad thoughts about my local Walmart, the Lord spoke to my heart: "Really look at the people, and what do you see?"  Hmmm, I wonder what that's supposed to mean?   But I did begin to really look at the people, and as my focus changed, so did my heart.

I saw a very poor woman, deathly thin, with mismatched socks and outfit, and bruises on her very skinny legs.  Then I looked again, and noticed a beautiful radiance on her face as she smiled at me. And my perception changed.  And I noticed the famous "Walmart Greeter," with his booming voice and cheery attitude, saying, "Welcome to Walmart!  Hope you're having a great day!"  And I smiled back, wishing him the same, and I meant it!  Then there is the girl in the produce section, kind of scowling, ya know?  But she had a beautiful face and her makeup was always perfect (if a tad too much, but nobody gets everything right😁)!  And I spoke to her, and said, "I noticed how pretty you always look, and you always have your make-up on, and take such good care of yourself, it's so nice to see!"  Her face lit up like a lightbulb, and she thanked me, and her countenance changed as she stacked her grapes with a little more zeal and a smile on her face.  And the check-out woman, she did such a nice job of packing my things and getting me through the line quickly that I mentioned it to her, and she also smiled sheepishly.  And all of this happened in just one visit.

And as the changes in the folks I met took place, my attitude began to change, also.  And now, Walmart has become a place to encourage people, along with buying the things I need, and as I give out to others, so much more comes back to me. Maybe, just maybe, I will make some new friends! So  here's to The People of Walmart!  Thank You, Lord, for changing me......

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